Garbage & Recycling

Harter's Fox Valley Disposal:

2025 Harters Calendar

Harter's phone:  1-888-804-8556.

Trash and Recycling pick-up is every week on Tuesday. If a holiday falls on a Monday then pickup is moved to Wednesday.  See the 2024 calendar for dates.

Can replacement: To order new garbage and/or recycling bins contact Harter's directly. The cost is $110 per can.

Missed pickup:  Was Garbage or Recycling missed at your home?  Call Harter’s within 24 hours of missed pickup to make them aware 1-888-804-8556.



Please bring your plastic wraps, plastic grocery bags, re-sealable bags (clear of food and residue) to the Town Hall for recycling... softener salt bags and wood pellet bags can be recycled in the containers at the Townhall.  Let's keep them OUT of the landfill!  Unfortunately, NO dog, cat or any other animal food bags along with mulch and/or potting soils bags can be recycled in this program.   Collection containers are located at each entrance of the Town Hall.  Please see the flyer attached for details on what types of plastics are included in this program.



Disposal of Needles

Used needles are a hazard! They must NOT be placed in your trash or recyclables. Return them to Mercy Medical Center - Oshkosh, Theda Clark Medical Center - Neenah or ask at your local pharmacy/clinic.